How to Save Your Employees from the Great Resignation

Has the "great resignation" impacted your organization? If not yet then, are you bracing for it? Read this to learn more about: Why employees are leaving, what to ask employees in a "stay interview," and much more. May you retain your best employees in 2021 and beyond!

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How to Build an Engaged Team (During Times of Uncertainty)

Building an engaged team, especially during times of uncertainty, takes focus. As a leader and small business owner, it takes the ability to set goals, leverage support from experts, and take consistent action. Read this for concrete actions you can take as a leader to build an engaged team, even in times of uncertainty.

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Compliance Issues Your Hybrid / Remote Work Policy Needs to Cover

Need help creating your compliant Hybrid/Remote Work Policy? Download the Free E-Guide to receive a checklist of the compliance issues your Hybrid/Remote Work needs to cover. Download your free E-Guide to receive: A checklist of what to include in your compliant policy, sample policy verbiage you can use for your policy, best practices, and more…

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Top 3 HR Policies for Pandemic Recovery

The coronavirus in 2020 changed almost every area of organizational leadership, especially in the area of HR compliance. With the pandemic recovery in full swing, now would be a great time to update or create your employee handbook to make sure you are in compliance. Not sure where to start? Read this post for the top 3 HR policies employers need for pandemic recovery.

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What to do About Loneliness in Leadership

There’s no doubt leadership can feel lonely at times. In this Business Talk Library episode with Terrell A Turner, CPA, we talk about how business ownership and leadership can feel lonely at times, but that with peer support and professional development tools, leading is also one of the biggest ever personal growth opportunities.

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Boundaries Help Prevent Burnout

Who is responsible for setting boundaries at work? As we continue into this world of working remotely and hybrid work (working remotely some of the time + working from the office some of the time), boundaries are more important than ever. Read this for who is responsible for setting boundaries and how to set boundaries to increase employee retention.

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Are You Ready for the “Turnover Tsunami”?

Were you in a leadership position back in 2008? If so, you likely remember what it was like during the "great recession." And, you may also remember how challenging it was to recruit and retain quality employees after the economy started to improve. We are facing similar circumstances now as we emerge from the pandemic. Don’t lose your employees to the upcoming “turnover tsunami.” Prevent employee turnover through these 5 HR strategies.

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5 HR Tips for Small Businesses

Have you become the accidental HR Manager for your business? So many business owners become the accidental HR Manager when they’d rather be focusing on the work they love doing. Check out this video for 5 HR tips to solve common HR issues that arise for small businesses. Plus stay tuned for Free HR Resources at the end of the video.

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3 Leadership Mistakes to Avoid

Do any of these leadership mistakes sound familiar to you? They do to me! Delivering difficult performance feedback is a skill. And like any skill it takes time to develop. It also takes ongoing training and practice. As a leader, I've made all 3 of these mistakes when delivering difficult performance feedback to an employee. What was the cost? Broken trust with my employee and increased risk to my company.

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Leadership Webinar: Difficult Performance Discussions Made Easy(ier)

Do you struggle with giving your employees difficult performance feedback? Are you uncertain of what to do or say when an employee has a performance issue? You are not alone! This interactive (not boring) leadership webinar will give you the roadmap and tools you need to feel more confident and effective during difficult employee performance discussions.

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How to Feel Less Lonely While Working from Home

Are you looking for ways to build more employee engagement and connection while working from home? Check out this blog post for one effective way to start building a less lonely and more productive remote workplace culture.

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6 HR Compliance Updates Employers Need to Know for 2021

Year-end is always a popular time for the government to release federal compliance updates and new laws that impact employers. December 2020 was no exception. In fact, with COVID and upcoming Presidential transition, the amount of changes to employment law that employers are facing seems unprecedented. Do you need a quick list of the most important recent HR Compliance updates? Look no further!

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Nonprofit Radio Show: Smart HR for Small Nonprofits

Making sure a Nonprofit's mission and values are at the forefront of the employee experience, not just the client experience, is critical to a Nonprofit's overall success in carrying out their mission. Check out this episode of the Nonprofit Radio Show to learn best practices for investing in Nonprofit HR.

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Before You Set Your Goals for the Coming Year, Take Time to Celebrate Your Accomplishments!

If you are anything like me, you tend to gloss over your accomplishments and move right into “goal setting mode” every new year.Before you move into "goal setting mode" for 2021, consider these small, but impactful ways to celebrate your accomplishments and to recognize the accomplishments of your employees:

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Year-End HR Checklist

Are you a busy leader who is responsible for doing ALL THE THINGS? Between leading employees, providing client services, and managing the day-to-day, you might be worried something has fallen off your "must-do" list Check out this Year-End HR Checklist that includes payroll, benefits, and HR tasks to be sure to complete with your year-end wrap-up.

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Best Practices for Recruiting & Leading Remote Employees

Are you new to recruiting and leading remote teams? Are you looking for best practices on how to recruit and retain the best remote employees? Watch this video for leadership best practices from recruitment and HR experts, Raine Lunke and Skye Mercer.

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HR Compliance Updates for Leaders

As if staying on top of leading your team during a Presidential Election and global pandemic were not enough, there have also been several updates to federal legal requirements and guidance over the past several weeks. Here are the recent legal updates that are most important from an HR perspective.

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Emotional Support for Stressed-Out Leaders

Stressful times call for emotional support. If you are a leader who is feeling stressed-out, and need emotional support right now, here are a couple of ideas that will take no more than 1 hour at a time.

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