New Year Teambuilding Ideas

Not only is celebrating your personal accomplishments important, but celebrating yours and your team’s accomplishments together is a great way to team-build. Here are 5 teambuilding activities to help you and your employees start 2022 with positivity and purpose!

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Solutions to 3 Common Holiday Workplace Challenges

In the spirit of offering practical HR and leadership resources, in this blog post, I talk about solutions to 3 common workplace holiday challenges, including.... 1) How to navigate increased holiday stress in the workplace, 2) How to make your workplace holiday party COVID-safe, 3) How to be more inclusive at work during the holidays.

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5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Remote, Out-of-State Employee

Hiring a remote, out-of-state employee is a great way to fill a recruitment need….and….it is also a tricky, complex process. The good news is that if you answer these 5 questions prior to hiring a remote, out-of-state employee, you’ll be in much better shape from both a compliance perspective as well as the employee’s onboarding experience (which is key to employee retention!)

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How to Build an Engaged Team (During Times of Uncertainty)

Building an engaged team, especially during times of uncertainty, takes focus. As a leader and small business owner, it takes the ability to set goals, leverage support from experts, and take consistent action. Read this for concrete actions you can take as a leader to build an engaged team, even in times of uncertainty.

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Compliance Issues Your Hybrid / Remote Work Policy Needs to Cover

Need help creating your compliant Hybrid/Remote Work Policy? Download the Free E-Guide to receive a checklist of the compliance issues your Hybrid/Remote Work needs to cover. Download your free E-Guide to receive: A checklist of what to include in your compliant policy, sample policy verbiage you can use for your policy, best practices, and more…

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Boundaries Help Prevent Burnout

Who is responsible for setting boundaries at work? As we continue into this world of working remotely and hybrid work (working remotely some of the time + working from the office some of the time), boundaries are more important than ever. Read this for who is responsible for setting boundaries and how to set boundaries to increase employee retention.

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Leadership Webinar: Difficult Performance Discussions Made Easy(ier)

Do you struggle with giving your employees difficult performance feedback? Are you uncertain of what to do or say when an employee has a performance issue? You are not alone! This interactive (not boring) leadership webinar will give you the roadmap and tools you need to feel more confident and effective during difficult employee performance discussions.

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How to Feel Less Lonely While Working from Home

Are you looking for ways to build more employee engagement and connection while working from home? Check out this blog post for one effective way to start building a less lonely and more productive remote workplace culture.

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Before You Set Your Goals for the Coming Year, Take Time to Celebrate Your Accomplishments!

If you are anything like me, you tend to gloss over your accomplishments and move right into “goal setting mode” every new year.Before you move into "goal setting mode" for 2021, consider these small, but impactful ways to celebrate your accomplishments and to recognize the accomplishments of your employees:

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5 Tips for Delivering Performance Feedback to Remote Employees

Virtual performance feedback discussions can still be productive with your remote employees. Read this for 5 best practices for giving performance feedback to your remote employees.

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How to Keep Remote Teams Engaged

Watch this video to learn more about: 1) How allowing staff to control their own schedules can reduce burnout and boost productivity, 2) Leveraging technology for connection and collaboration, 3) Shifting from measuring performance based on attendance to measuring performance based on outcomes, 4) Using “Virtual Co-Working” to keep employees connected and engaged.

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Best Practices For Communicating With Remote Employees

Are you new to managing a remote workforce? Or, looking for ways to improve your communication practices with your remote employees? Here is a quick list of proven best practices for communicating with your remote workers.

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Effectively Leading Remote Teams

This video highlights my conversation with Jarrett Ransom (CEO of The Rayvan Group) and Julia C. Patrick (CEO of the American Nonprofit Academy) about Best Practices for Effectively Leading Remote Teams.

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Workforce Reductions During the COVID-19 Economic Downturn

In this episode of the Corona Chronicles, a daily nonprofit talk show from the American Nonprofit Academy, we talk about how to conduct respectful furloughs/layoffs, safely returning employees to the office, setting up compliant work-from-home programs, and more. Watch the video here.

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What To Do If A Work-From-Home Employee Doesn't Want To Return To The Office

With stay-at-home orders being lifted in several states and with many employers preparing for what's next, one of the questions I'm hearing from both employees and employers is "what if the employee doesn't want to return to the office after working from home?" Here are best practices for working through this complex situation.

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How To Quickly Set Up A Work-From-Home Program

With the outbreak of COVID-19, many employers are tasked with quickly setting up a compliant work-from-home program. Here are five proven steps to quickly set up your work-from-home program. *Download the Free E-Guide, “How to Write a Compliant Work-from-Home Policy.”

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