Solutions to 3 Common Holiday Workplace Challenges

In the spirit of offering practical HR and leadership resources, in this blog post, I talk about solutions to 3 common workplace holiday challenges, including.... 1) How to navigate increased holiday stress in the workplace, 2) How to make your workplace holiday party COVID-safe, 3) How to be more inclusive at work during the holidays.

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Top 3 HR Policies for Pandemic Recovery

The coronavirus in 2020 changed almost every area of organizational leadership, especially in the area of HR compliance. With the pandemic recovery in full swing, now would be a great time to update or create your employee handbook to make sure you are in compliance. Not sure where to start? Read this post for the top 3 HR policies employers need for pandemic recovery.

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HR Compliance Updates for Leaders

As if staying on top of leading your team during a Presidential Election and global pandemic were not enough, there have also been several updates to federal legal requirements and guidance over the past several weeks. Here are the recent legal updates that are most important from an HR perspective.

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How to Build a Better Handbook

Let’s face it. Handbooks are very important, but they are also often very boring to read. But how do you cover this important information in your handbook, and also make the handbook a document that employees actually want to read? In this article from the Society for HR Management (SHRM), I discuss ideas to make your handbook stand out to your employees, including adding non-traditional design elements to your handbook that engage and inspire the employee-reader.

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COVID-19 Employee Handbook Addendum Checklist

To achieve compliance and to educate employees, many employers are including temporary "COVID-19 Addendums" in their employee handbooks. Here is a checklist of what to include in your COVID-19 Employee Handbook Addendum.

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Workforce Reductions During the COVID-19 Economic Downturn

In this episode of the Corona Chronicles, a daily nonprofit talk show from the American Nonprofit Academy, we talk about how to conduct respectful furloughs/layoffs, safely returning employees to the office, setting up compliant work-from-home programs, and more. Watch the video here.

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Top 5 Most Important COVID-19 HR Compliance Links

With so many legislative changes having occurred over the last month, in my opinion, here are inks to the top 5 most important legislative changes I think employers need to be aware of right now.

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Best Practices For Returning Furloughed Employees To Work

With many employers planning to return employees to the office, it’s important to set up an onboarding and communication strategy to ensure a smooth employee transition back to the office. Here are my recommended best practices for returning furloughed employees to work.

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What To Do If A Work-From-Home Employee Doesn't Want To Return To The Office

With stay-at-home orders being lifted in several states and with many employers preparing for what's next, one of the questions I'm hearing from both employees and employers is "what if the employee doesn't want to return to the office after working from home?" Here are best practices for working through this complex situation.

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How To Conduct Respectful Layoffs: 3 Key Leadership Strategies

In this video I talk about 3 Key Leadership Strategies you must use to make sure you are laying employees off in a respectful way. This video includes tips for communication and decision-making strategies as well as what to include in your Employee Layoff Packet.

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