What to do About Loneliness in Leadership

There’s no doubt leadership can feel lonely at times. In this Business Talk Library episode with Terrell A Turner, CPA, we talk about how business ownership and leadership can feel lonely at times, but that with peer support and professional development tools, leading is also one of the biggest ever personal growth opportunities.

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Free Job Search Masterclass - How to Find a Job During COVID

Free 2-Day Masterclass on How to Successfully Find a Job During COVID. Watch this for real-life actionable job search tips, including the #1 thing you need to find your next job, how to find a job on the “hidden job market,” networking strategies, resume tips, leveraging LinkedIn, and how important it is to keep the search fun.

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How Good Managers Become Micromanagers

There are two types of micromanagers out there: 1) Leaders who feel good about micromanaging and actually like to exercise control over others. Or, 2) Leaders who have developed a micromanagement style due to some factors within their control and some factors outside of their control, such as a distrustful work environment where they are not supported or trusted by their own leadership. This article is about helping those leaders who fall under #2.

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The Best Ways To Stay Connected While Working From Home

Feeling lonely while working from home can be a challenge, but thanks to technology, growing communities who work from home, and with some forethought and planning, there are a lot of ways to stay connected while working from home.

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What Makes An “Inspirational Leader”?

When I think back to all of the inspirational leaders I’ve worked for, they are very different people in terms of age, gender, socioeconomic background, education level, communication style, and personality. In fact, on a personal level, they are more different than they are similar. However, each one of them embodied these same characteristics.

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7 Strategies For Creating A "Promotion-From-Within" Culture

A strong recruitment and retention strategy considers both hiring outside of the company as well as inside the company. Here are 7 proven strategies for how to create a “Promotion-from-Within” workplace culture.

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Welcome To Leadership: Setting New Leaders Up For Success

Do you remember your first leadership position? Like me, I bet you were excited and nervous all at once. I knew I was meant to help others and I felt that a leadership position gave me the best opportunity to do that. However, I needed this one key thing in order to be successful….

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3 Tips To Make Your Resume Stand Out

As an HR professional and Recruiter, I’ve reviewed thousands of resumes and hired hundreds of people over my career. Here are my top 3 tips to make your resume stand out to recruiters and hiring managers.

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