Embracing Breaks and Other Essential HR Updates
Does This Quote Resonate with You?
“It may seem odd that we need to learn how to take a break. But in our 24/7 always-on culture, some people simply don’t know how to relax.” - Greg McKeown, Effortless
This quote definitely resonates with me!
For years I avoided taking a true vacation and completely unplugging from work.
Only recently, have I come to see taking a break as a crucial responsibility of mine, despite how challenging it is to do so.
By taking breaks, I not only set a positive example for others, but also enhance my ability to serve the clients and organizations I work with more effectively (who are amazing by the way, and deserve the absolute best).
Here Are 3 Things I Learned About Work by Taking a Break From Work
The World Kept Spinning: Stepping away didn't cause chaos. Everything continued smoothly, especially with a bit of planning ahead. Timing was also important.
Adventure Fuels Creativity: Exploring new places sparked fresh ideas and inspiration for work.
"Purpose Pauses" Are Amazing: I met someone whose company practices regular breaks called "purpose pauses" with no meetings allowed. Employees can choose to work or take PTO during these breaks, aligning with the company's health and wellness mission. I love this idea!
Other Ways to Rest and Conserve Energy
Taking a break doesn't always require a vacation, which may not always be feasible. Here are some alternative ways to rest and recharge:
Implement Schedule Boundaries: Block off time in your calendar. Time to think, time to work on projects uninterrupted, etc.
Use Productivity and Prioritization Tools: Tools like Trello have transformed my task management, saving me significant time. Trello helps with prioritizing tasks and batching them effectively, which not only enhances efficiency but also helps prevent burnout. Similar programs I often hear about include Asana, ClickUp, and Monday.com.
Take Small Breaks Throughout the Day: Short breaks can make a big difference. Sometimes, even a 10-minute break makes a big difference in mental clarity.
Turn Off "Self-View" on Videoconferencing: We don’t want to stare at ourselves in the mirror all day, so why do it on video calls? Disabling “self-view” in videoconferencing software has been a game-changer for conserving mental energy.
Automate Smaller Tasks: Tools like AI Notetaker, Magical email templates, and Zapier help us to spend less time on small, administrative tasks which in the end saves time and energy.
Go on a "Walking Meeting": Taking your meetings on the move, whether in person or over the phone, can be incredibly refreshing. A walking meeting not only offers a break from the usual office environment but also helps stimulate creativity, improve focus, and boost energy.
This photo is of Michilimackinac, the "big turtle" or "great turtle," (aka Mackinac Island). The Island holds significant meaning to its founders, the Anishinaabe (Odawa, Ojibwe, Chippewa, and Potawatomi).
🎤I'll be discussing wellbeing, self-care, and relaxation with my friend and fellow consultant Jarrett Ransom on her upcoming podcast. Check out Jarrett’s podcast here.
📖In her book, Drop the Ball, Tiffany Dufu talks about how we can achieve more by doing less. Her concept of “dropping the ball” means releasing unrealistic expectations of doing it all and engaging others to achieve what matters most to us, deepening our relationships and enriching our lives.”
Now, that is definitely something I aspire to!
As summer winds down, how will you be taking a break?
HR Updates - August 2024
State-by-State Break Laws: Speaking of breaks, do you know your state’s break laws? Here is an overview of federal and state breaks from Clockify.
2025 Pay Projections: Wondering what to budget for next year’s pay adjustments? Here is the most recent data.
New Salary Threshold for Exempt Employees: Read this for step-by-step guidance on what to do if your employee falls below the new salary threshold coming January 2025 or you discover a role doesn’t meet the exempt duties test (Note- if you are in a state like WA state, the thresholds are different. link here for WA State).
Pay Transparency Tracker: More and more states and localities are implementing pay transparency rules, such as the requirement to post a pay rate or range in a job ad. Massachusettes is the most recent state to implement a pay transparency rule (coming Jan 2025). Here is a running list of the states and localities with pay transparency rules.
Heat Illness Prevention: It’s been a hot summer! OSHA proposed a new rule to prevent heat injury and illness in outdoor and indoor settings. Here is more information on the rule and here are some heat safety best practices to help employees stay cool.
Book an HR Strategy Session for Expert Advice and Resources
Need HR advice without committing to a lengthy contract? Book an HR strategy session today!
Recent Problems Solved in HR Strategy Sessions:
Hiring Your First Employee: Guidance on how to successfully bring your first team member on board.
Non-Exempt Job Changes: Advice on which jobs to reclassify in light of the new rule effective January.
Job Leveling and Market Pay Comparisons: Assistance in setting up job leveling and market pay comparisons for your organization.
Learn more and book here.