Solutions to 3 Common Holiday Workplace Challenges

In the spirit of offering practical HR and leadership resources, in this blog post, I talk about solutions to 3 common workplace holiday challenges, including.... 1) How to navigate increased holiday stress in the workplace, 2) How to make your workplace holiday party COVID-safe, 3) How to be more inclusive at work during the holidays.

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3 Best Practices For Creating An Equitable Workplace

According to a recent poll from, “62% of job seekers would turn down a job offer if they feel the company did not value an inclusive and diverse workplace culture.” If you are a leader who is actively reviewing your organization’s equity and inclusion practices, consider these three best practices as a starting point.

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How To Set Up An Employee Resource Group

Creating space for employee support and connection is more important now than ever. Setting up an Employee Resource Groups is one way in which you can foster support for your employees and further your organization’s mission to create an equitable, inclusive, and diverse workplace.

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